Sitemap - 2023 - Échapper de North Vancouver

Well yes, I DO work out.

Hey, did you hear?

Round and Round

Rattles and AI

In Nova Scotia drag racing is a family affair.

Why updates are killing technology

Going Home?

Global warming? In BC?

I'll Step on Your Neck!

When I was a young man....

Hacking the Airwaves

Bright Sunshine

The New Surreality Part 1

Three Short Years

Canadian Tire

But those Nova Scotia taxes!

Après le déluge

Waiting for the Eye of the Storm

There's hurricanes, then there's HURRICANES

Hurricane watch

For sixty years newspaper articles have told me to plan ahead

I think I've found my next big project...


What would Lorelai and Luke do?

You got a fast car

And the fun never ends!

Sea Nova Scotia

Home again to the fog and rain of July

Hotels, Showers, Fitness, and Coffee

Taking care of ourselves without a family doctor has been a challenge

Halifax. Not on four wheels? Enter at your own risk!

Raccoons are Evil.

Nova Scotia’s forest fires make me wonder if our dreams of a green, rural life were misguided

It's nearly June. They're bugs.

In a Fog

Dear John Deere

And then, gardening...

Birds. Yes, birds.

A fire, a family, and community that spans continents.

Goodbye Old Friend

Where's that Rabbit?

Catching up... whew...

Entrée interdite

B4 A4....

Mon pays, ce n’est pas un pays, c’est l’hiver

Down home is Down Home

In the Pink

Votre billet s'il vous plais....

Running Hot and Cold

90 Seconds.....


Like an old, warm, fuzzy sweater

Talkin' to the Neighbours

I’m not a morning person. But I’ve embraced rising early